E-Pay Disclaimer

  1. To make a payment, you must link a personal checking account to our E-Pay website. You will need your account number and your routing number. NO OTHER TYPES OF ACCOUNTS ARE ACCEPTED.
  2. Payments made on a weekend will not process until the following work day. For example, a payment made on a Saturday will not process on until the following business day.
  3. Payments made on holidays will be treated as if it was made on a weekend. Payments are processed on the following business day as long as the payment was made before 5pm central time. For example, if you make a payment on a Tuesday at 7pm central time, this payment will not process until Thursday.
  4. If a payment is returned because of insufficient funds in your account more than two (2) times, we will not accept payments made by E-Pay from you any longer. In this case, please mail a money order/cashier's check to our lockbox or contact your attorney to set up a wage deduction order for the remainder of your case.
  5. An account is NOT REQUIRED to make a payment, only to set up a recurring payment. Click "Pay Now Without Enrolling" on the E-Pay website.

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